Oops... You don't have access to the ongoing training in the NEW Singing Zone yet, but we can fix that...

As member of The Singing Zone, you get access to the NEW monthly training modules up to your current access level. PLUS you get all the material in the exclusive facebook group for members, access to all the bonus courses (rhythm training, music theory training, ear training etc.) and more.

You can be a member on a month to month basis, or you can prepay a full year’s membership, which gives you many bonuses. 

Option 1) Be a member month by month.

$67 a month for as long as you wish. Students can cancel any time and return any time. 

Option 2) Become a VIP member by prepaying a full year of training. Save money. Get instant access to EVERYTHING. 

Contact [email protected] today for your personalized offer.

Looking for the old version? Click Here


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